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You are viewing Cheat Codes for World Championship Rugby System : Playstation 2 Date Added : 2005-01-12 02:35:02 Views : 24394 Unlocking Secrets TO Unlock Metal Players Mode Do A League With 8 Teams And Be New Zealand And Win Unlocking Swordfish Team Go to competition menu and then choose tour and then beat all the teams in europe to unlock team swordfish. Big Head: Win the Tri Nations. Unlock Classic Match 9 To unlock Classic Match 9 win the World Cup. Chipping ahead When you get a man in space with only the fullback to beat, a well timed chip ahead is almost undefendable against a CPU player. Getting The Cougers In Competion Mode Do Euro Nations As England And Win As England And You Will Unlock The Cougers Unlock All-Stars To unlock All-Stars defeat the All-Stars challenge with every team. Receiving kickoffs Put the game on no penalties. On shallow kick offs, when the oppsition can get under the ball and will therefore claim it, shoulder charge the guy out of the way before the ball lands. You should get the ball back at least half the time. Unlock The Cougars To unlock the Cougars win the Five Nations. Beating the Cougars The COuagers is a Lomu lookalike super-team that at first sight seems unbeatable. But beatable they are. The key is to hold onto the ball for as long as possible, and grind away. Do this using one-off running up the middle. Keep the ball near your more-powerful but slow forwards. Spinning the ball wide almost guarantees a turnover (unless you score a try) because their forwards race ahead of yours. Run it up the middle. Sooner or later a keen break will come, chip and chase to score. Running The most effective running is in-out i.e. ducking in following by stepping out and going around the defender, sprinting of course. Even the forwards can do it - the CPU seems to drift off the player when this happens. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more World Championship Rugby cheat codes.
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